The kids played Deal or No Deal in the Beauties Lounge as part of the kids program. We all met up to go watch Fear Factor on the Lido Deck at 1:00. Well, we get there and they're taking sign ups for participants. There was all kinds of young adults putting in for it. Derek and Micki started begging me to put my name in. I said no, but they kept bugging so I said I would if Daddy would. He relented, so before we knew it we were putting our names in. No big deal, there were a lot of other "applicants" and only 6 spots. Mine was the 3rd name called. Oops. Chad's was the 6th name called. Oops. The first challenge was to jump in the salt water pool and retrieve as many spoons as possible before coming up for air (they threw them back in after each contestant). Now, my eyes were already sore from being in the hot tub the night before. Oh, did I forget to mention that someone had thrown up in the pool right before the game started? We had to swim through that too. Bleh bleh bleh. I dove in when it was my turn but my eyes burned so badly that I couldn't see any spoons. Finally I thought "screw this" and came up for air. I could have stayed under longer, but my eyes just hurt so bad. So, of course I was first loser and got a pack of cards for my condolence prize. Chad's turn was next and he retrieved one spoon. He also was eliminated and got the pack of cards. We were actually relieved not to have to continue with the other nasty rounds. They had to eat gross things and stuff like that. The kids were embarrassed that we got eliminated so quickly. I was fully dressed in capris and a shirt, not fun walking around dripping wet with salt water. When we went back to the room to change, they were cleaning it, so we had to wait around miserable until it was finished. I don't think I have any pics of this, Derek did take some short videos of us. All week long they replayed the clips over and over and over in the different tvs set up throughout the ship, plus on the ones in the cabins. Oh fun. I was stopped all week long by people telling me I was brave, or good for me or whatever, or I know who you are, you're the fear factor lady. So much for anonymity.
Chad and I went and watched the Newlywed game while the kids did their own thing.
Picture of Derek at sunset
Here's Freddy! That's what they call the ship's tail.
I can't resist a picture of our towel critter.
Here's a picture of our captain getting sloshed! We were taking a walk around the ship after the last show.
We went again to eat at the Normandie restaurant. We went to the late night show. This evening it was a comedy, magic, ventriloquist show by a guy named Kyle Wayne from Las Vegas. It was very funny, he had a mean bird puppet and then he wound up calling a kid from the audience. Yep. My kid. He chose Michaela to come on stage and boy was she ticked! He and his bird "interacted" with her and asked her questions for a bit. Later in the show he called another kid to come halfway up to the stage as part of the show. Yep. My other kid. He teased Derek about having the same hairstylist. We do have both kids on video with this. He invited them to meet him after the show, he had some prizes to give them. When we took their picture together he said he didn't realize they were siblings when he was picking on them.
After the show
We actually caught Micki smiling